Sorry, but your MacTOPS file-sharing software is not available at this time. Your key “^0” is already in use by “^1.” Sorry, but your MacTOPS file-sharing software is not available at this time. Your key “^0” is already in use by someone else. Restart Now Your MacTOPS server is restarting: waiting one minute for active users to disconnect. Restart Warning: Your MacTOPS server has active users. If you restart, they may lose their work. Shut Down Now Your MacTOPS server is shutting down: waiting one minute for active users to disconnect. Shut Down Warning: Your MacTOPS server has active users. If you shut down, they may lose their work. Unpublish Now Unpublishing “^0”: waiting one minute for active users to disconnect. Unpublish Warning: “^0” has active users. If you unpublish, they may lose their work. Cancel DeskTop (System) System